Friday, February 8, 2008

Back On Track

Life Happens, that pretty much sums up the last few weeks. While my plan was all along to take it easy during January, the unexpected news that we signed a contract to buy a new place here in Brooklyn, the fact that we have put our current home on the market, a bit of a cold, as well as a business trip back to Austria, all contributed to a less than rigorous workout regime during the last few weeks.

Now this week I am beginning to settle into a routine, adding some more training without stressing too much about it. After I experienced a fun, but very sluggish masters swim training mid-week, I decided to add another one two days later. Both workouts where nice, mid-distance interval trainings incorporating all four strokes.

Today, I headed out to Prospect Park for an 8 mile run, a little over 8 mins/mile pace. I definitely felt that I have not been running much lately, but my heart rate felt comfy the whole time, pretty much a Zone 2 run all around. If time permits, I will finish off the week with a half hour weight training and a pilates mat class tomorrow.

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